We look forward to seeing you succeed online and hopefully earn a full time income from it.
Here’s a quick checklist to help guide you along the way.
This should serve only as a guideline and if you need more details, we highly recommend you to watch our video tutorials (free) explaining each step of the process below, following the checklist.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [support@businesshatch.com].
Here’s the checklist:
1. Go to Warriorplus.com
2. Look at what the top selling products are
3. Brainstorm of what type of products you can create for this marketplace
(You should know what type of products do well by looking at which products sell well)
4. Create your product.
5. Create another product that complements the first one that you can offer as an upsell.
6. Write a salescopy or hire someone to write your salescopy.
7. Setup funnel using Clickfunnels. If you can’t afford Clickfunnels, there are cheaper funnel builders in the market. You can also learn how to setup web pages yourself by learning how to do HTML.
8. Create a JV page that potential affiliates and JV partners can visit for more info on your product and commissions.
9. List your product and funnel on WarriorPlus.
10. Contact potential affiliates and JV partners.
11. Launch product.
12. Rinse and repeat.
13. Between launches, you can promote affiliate products to your list.
Again, make sure to watch our videos (free service for you) explaining each step through the links below:
Video 2 – The niche we’ll be marketing in
Video 3 – The platform you’ll be using
Video 4 – Types of products that do well on this platform
Video 5 – Creating your product
Video 6 – A look at how to get product ideas and create several new products per year
Video 7 – How to create products in IM niche if you have no experience or skills
Video 8 – Offer rights to your products
Video 9 – Brainstorm of complementary products you can sell in upsell
Video 10 – Creating your salescopy
Video 11 – Setting up your website and funnel
Video 12 – Setting up your products on warriorplus
Video 13 – Setting up your offer on warriorplus
Video 15 – Offer 100% commissions
Video 16 – Network with other marketers and build a JV list
Video 17 – Launching your product
Video 19 – Re-open your launch if you closed it
Video 20 – Don’t be discouraged
Video 21 – Additional income streams
Video 24 – Continue launching?