Welcome Letter (For delivery by postal mail or email)
A welcome letter is designed to introduce your client to your business coaching sessions. Once a client has signed on to work with you through your website, this letter can be sent to them as the cover for your Welcome Package.
A Welcome Package may include but is not limited to:
- Welcome letter – Acknowledges your new client, lists what is included along with the letter, any follow-up instructions and a reminder about the date of your first session.
- Business goals worksheet – To be completed and returned before the first coaching session. This is where your clients can list their goals for their business. It can help you to prepare for first client coaching session.
- Payment arrangement form – This form details the payment arrangement that the client entered into when they signed up for sessions on your coaching website. It needs to include date of recurring payment, payment amount, what service is being rendered and payment type options.
- Client receipt copy – This simply states that their payment for their first month of coaching was received. They can file it for their records.
- (2) Copies of the Coaching Agreement – It is important for them to read it carefully and sign one copy to be returned to you. If coaching is done over the telephone or through another medium like Skype, clients may sign and fax a signed agreement or scan and send it to you as a PDF file.
- Copy of your Coaching Success Guidelines – This is your code of conduct for business coaching sessions. You may also include a copy of any guidelines that you observe as a member of a professional business coaching association.
Sample Welcome Letter
All of your client correspondence needs to be official and professional. Create a company letterhead template that you can use for all letters. Here is an example:
Company Address
Client Name
Client Address
Dear Client,
Welcome to [INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE]. I am pleased to and excited to see that you have decided to take advantage of my services. Enclosed you will find the Welcome Package that was mentioned when you signed up on our site. It includes:
- This Welcome letter
- A Business Goals worksheet – Complete the Goals column before our first session. Mail a copy to me along with your Coaching Agreement.
- Your Payment Arrangement Form
- Receipt for first month of coaching
- (2) Copies of your Coaching Agreement – Please sign both. Keep one for your records and return the other to me before our first session.
- A copy of my Coaching Success Guidelines
Please fill out the Business Goals worksheet before our first session so we can get started promptly.
If you have any questions in advance of the first session, do not hesitate to call or email me. I look forward to meeting with you on [INSERT DATE/TIME OF FIRST SESSION].
Your Signature
Your Name (printed)
Company Name
Your Telephone Number
What does your client hope to accomplish with their business?
This worksheet offers an accountability tool for you and your client. Before the first session, have the client list the goals that they have for their business enterprise.
Through your input they can turn each goal into a set of Action Items that can be used to complete the goal. Advise them to fill out the form in pencil as it may undergo a lot of changes by the time your coaching sessions are completed.
The client should make a copy after they have listed their goals and send one back to you for your review prior to the first session.
Here is a sample worksheet for you to look at as an example of what your actual form may look like.
Business Goals Worksheet sample
- The form can be as long or as short as you like depending on the number of sessions you will potentially complete with the client.
- The notes section is for the client to write their thoughts on the process after each goal is completed.
Your Company Name |
Your Website |
Your E-mail |
Client Name: |
Session Number | Desired Goal | Action Steps | Due Date | Actual Completion Date | Notes |
- Fill out the Desired Goal column before your first session. One goal per line please.
- The Notes column is for your thoughts upon completion of your action steps for that goal.
- Return a copy to me listing your goals before the first coaching session.
This is a form detailing the agreement for a set payment schedule.
The client can refer to this form for the amount of their monthly coaching service as well as for payment option information and the cancellation policy that you institute for your business.
Payment Arrangement Form sample
This is only a sample to act as a guideline. The contents may change depending on your system for billing and accepting payments. As always, official correspondence should be sent on company letterhead.
Your Company Address
Client Name
Client Address
Fee Schedule:
According to the agreement you have entered into, payment for ____monthly coaching services___ provided by ___[INSERT COMPANY NAME]____ will be billed to you on the ____ of each month prior to that month’s coaching session in the amount of ____$450.00_____.
You have elected for the said amount to be deducted from ____ [INSERT ACCOUNT TYPE] ____. This payment will recur each month until such time as it is cancelled by the client. Please consult the cancellation policy section of the Coaching Agreement for more details.
Payment Options:
- Payment is accepted through PayPal via our site at website URL/payments
- You may cancel at any time in advance of your next session in accordance with our cancellation policy. The policy is detailed in your Coaching Agreement.
If you have any questions about this invoice, please contact me by telephone or email.
Phone: Your Phone Number
Your Company Name
Email: Website address
An invoice will detail the type of service that your client is paying you to provide.
Depending on how you are set up to accept payments, this should be spelled out on the invoice. If you are working through an online shopping cart, it would probably be easier for you to set up recurring payments. The client may cancel at any time (using an approved method stated in your Client Agreement) and you can stop the payments. Once payment has been received, an invoice can be mailed by post or sent electronically to their email address.
An invoice needs to include the following information:
- Detail of the payment schedule
- The service being rendered and the base fee
- Total monies collected
- Any other relevant information including forms of payment you will accept for coaching sessions –
This depends on how your system is set up. Also include information about cancellation policies as a reminder.
As always official correspondence should be presented on company letterhead. Use of an invoice template will save time with recurring payments.
Company Address
Client Name
Client Address
Coaching Payment/Schedule:
In accordance with your sign-up date, payment for coaching sessions is due on the [INSERT DATE] of each month for that month’s session.
Business Coaching Services – $450 per month
Month #1 | $450 |
TOTAL | $450 |
- Payment is accepted through PayPal via our site at website URL/payments
- You may cancel at any time in advance of your next session in accordance with our cancellation policy. The policy is detailed in your Coaching Agreement.
If you have any questions about this invoice, please contact me by telephone or email.
Phone: Your Phone Number
Your Company Name
Email: Website address
The elements of a complete Coaching Agreement will include but are not limited to: This is the contract that is drawn up between you, the coach and your client. A client needs to sign to verify agreement with what you agree to provide to them according to your service as well as what they agree to do as a client. Also, the basic payment for services information is also included. The client keeps a copy of the form for their files and mails a signed copy back to you.
- Your pledge as a coach
- Payment agreement (including cancellation policy details)
- Schedule of sessions/Missed appointment policy
- How coaching sessions will be conducted
- Termination policy
- Confidentiality agreement
Sample Coaching Agreement
The form can be changed as needed to suit your unique needs.
Your Company Address
*Client Coaching Agreement*
Client Name __________________________
This coaching agreement is entered into between ________ [YOUR COMPANY NAME] ______ and the above named client. It will begin on ___________________ and will continue on a monthly basis for _________ months or until such time as the client terminates my services. A reminder email will be sent 48 hours before any scheduled session. The next month’s session will be scheduled during the current coaching session.
The fee for the coaching sessions will be charged on a monthly basis in advance of that month’s session in the amount of $_________ on a recurring billing cycle. The fee is payable through PayPal via the company website at websiteURL/payments.
Cancellation Policy: Clients maintain the right to cancel payment at any time in advance of the billing date for the next month’s session. Cancellation must be done in writing (either by posted letter to the company address or by email to the following website address: [email protected]) and the letter or email must be received before the new billing cycle or you will be charged for that month’s coaching session.
If you need to cancel an appointment, please notify our office at least 24 hours in advance of the appointment date to reschedule that month’s session.
The client will be provided with monthly business coaching services via telephone unless otherwise specified by the coach. I will call you at the agreed upon time to begin the call. If you do not answer, you are allowed one call back five minutes after the scheduled time or the appointment will be canceled.
The purpose of the business coaching sessions is to provide the client with information based on their defined goals and the years of experience of the coach in various areas of the business arena. This service includes but is not limited to: brainstorming techniques, identifying action plans, follow-up procedures to maintain client motivation, educating the client as well as asking and answering questions.
Termination of this agreement may occur at the discretion of the coach when an impasse is reached with the client. As long as the client adheres to the Coaching Success Guidelines and the coach adheres to professional practices and standards, the relationship will continue. The goal is to better your business so all efforts will be made towards that end.
Examples of terminable offenses:
- Lack of payment
- Lack of adherence to Coaching Success Guidelines
- Indifference on the part of the client to prescribed session action items
Anything that is said or revealed in the sessions between coach and client is privileged information and will not be disclosed to any outside party. The exception is if the information revealed includes disclosure of illegal, unethical or criminal activities.
The methods employed by ________ [YOUR COMPANY NAME] __ do not guarantee results. They are guidelines that the client must follow through on in order to see any type of change. The client agrees, therefore, to hold the coach free of any liability and responsibility for adverse reactions as a result of advice given in the coaching sessions.
By signing below, you signify that you agree with the information laid out in this document in full.
Client Date
Business Coach Date
This form will provide you with all the relevant information to get a rudimentary picture of your client before the first meeting. Once the client has agreed and signed the Coaching Agreement, you can email them this form to be filled out and returned before the first session.
Your Company Name
Client Information
Title _____ First Name ___________________ Last Name ______________________
Nickname (if applicable) ________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
Contact Details
Home Phone _______________________ Work Phone ___________________
Cell Number _______________________ Fax (if applicable) _____________________
Email(s) _______________________________________________________________
How may I contact you? Phone Cell Email
Employment Information
Occupation ___________________________________________________________
Employer _____________________________________________________________
Personal Information
Birth date _____________ Marital Status ___________ No. of Children ________
Spouse’s Name ___________________ Spouse’s Birth date ______________
Important Dates in your Life _______________________________________________
Names and Ages of Children _______________________________________________
What do you expect to get out of these coaching sessions? ________________________________________________________________________
Tell me something about yourself that you think I should know to coach you better?
Briefly share your overall business and life goals. Where do you see yourself in…
1 Year: __________________________________________________________________
5 Years: _________________________________________________________________
10 Years: ________________________________________________________________
This document entails the guidelines governing your sessions.
You can share information about your coaching process, your philosophy, what you expect from the client and what the client can expect from you.
Your Company Name
Coaching Success Guidelines
Client Name: |
The Coaching Process
Business coaching can help you to meet the goals that you have for your business when you take the time to develop a solid relationship with the coaching professional. It is the coach’s objective to motivate you and hold you accountable for achieving your goals. From an outside standpoint, a business coach may be able to see areas of concern that you are not able to discern. In that sense, the process raises your awareness of a different way to handle your business entity.
My Coaching Philosophy
Explain your individual philosophy here.
What is Expected of the Client
The client is expected to attend each session on time and ready to work. They may need to be open to changes in their goals as the coaching process evolves. Coaches are not judgmental but impartial. To that end, coaches will ask the tough questions and expect the tough answers in order for growth to take place both personally and professionally, but only as it pertains to the business. However, clients do maintain the right to decide what topics to cover and to terminate a subject if they don’t want to discuss it further.
What is Expected of the Coach
The coach is expected to listen to the client and their desires and work within that guideline as much as possible. Guidelines will be set down for each session ahead of time so that the client is aware of what behavior will and won’t be tolerated. The goal of each coaching session is to work through setbacks the client may have, clarify goals through exercises and find ways to move forward on goals with the client, i.e. creating action items. The client is expected to hold themselves accountable for what they do and don’t do to make these sessions productive.
In order for us to work together with integrity, it’s important for us to agree to hold all of our conversations in confidence. Toward that end, you and I agree to never share the following information with others, unless mutually agreed upon ahead of time:
- Financial information, including earnings, goals, and coaching fees
- Proprietary business information or processes
- Coaching strategies and techniques
- Business-related purchases or investments
- Any recorded conversations, whether video, audio, or transcribed
- Notes and task lists
- Any documentation related to our coaching relationship, such as legal agreements, pre-call and post-call review forms, checklists, and questionnaires
As your coach, I agree to abide by the following:
- I will not knowingly misrepresent my knowledge or expertise either publicly or privately, and I will be transparent regarding my education, certifications, and other qualifications.
- I will hold all discussions with my clients in the strictest confidence, except where doing so may cause harm to others.
- I will not provide information or advice that I do not believe in or that I would not personally follow.
- I will honor all agreements with my clients and others, including contracts, scheduling, and assigned tasks.
- I will not knowingly take any monetary, professional or other advantage of any coach/client relationship.
- I will conduct myself in accordance with this code of ethics whenever I am engaged in any coaching relationship or capacity.
This form can be utilized to jot down notes from client coaching sessions.
It can later be used as a reference when setting action steps for a client’s business goals and also when filling out your monthly review form for each client.
Below you will find a general form that can be used for this purpose.
Sample Call Notes form
Since this form is for interoffice use only, it does not have to be on official letterhead unless you want to maintain uniformity across the board for your paperwork.
Client Name: |
Session Number | Date | Previous Session Highlights | Notes |
For Interoffice Use Only
How Coaching Works
I believe it’s important for you to understand my coaching style and expectations for our working relationship. This will enable us to work together more efficiently, and for you to achieve the greatest success.
- We will meet [WEEKLY/MONTHLY] at [TIME/DAY/DATE].
- Before our meeting, you will complete the ongoing pre-call form and return it to me no later than 24 hours before our scheduled appointment.
- To prepare for our call, you will decide on what area you’d like to focus. If you are unsure, then I will help you to determine where my help can be the most effective.
- You will take the time to do the work necessary to grow your business. Coaching is not a “done for you” relationship. You must commit to do the work, or you will not have satisfactory results.
- If, at the time of our meeting, you are unprepared, we will reschedule to give you time to complete the work necessary to move forward.
- Each month, we will prepare and review the monthly review form, so that we can both know you are benefiting from our relationship. If at any time one of us feels you are not benefiting, we will agree to end our relationship.
How to Hold Me Accountable
How do you want to be held accountable?
One of the most challenging aspects of coaching is knowing what to do when the person I’m working with is not completing the work we’ve agreed upon.
Since everyone’s motivations are different, I’d like you to tell me how I should respond in these situations:
If you are not prepared for a scheduled meeting (first time), would you like me to:
- Immediately request to reschedule
- Spend the meeting discussing why you were unprepared and how to better manage your time
If you are not prepared for a scheduled meeting (repeated offense), would you like me to:
- Immediately request to reschedule
- Pause our coaching relationship while you reprioritize your tasks
- Suggest a time-management coach to help you
If you do not complete the work required to move forward toward your goals (first time), would you like me to:
- Help you explore potential roadblocks and solutions
- Revise our plan to include smaller sub-goals
If you do not complete the work required to move forward toward your goals (repeated offense), would you like me to:
- Revise our plan to include smaller sub-goals
- Impose a monetary fine
- Pause our coaching relationship while you reprioritize your tasks
If, after ______ days of coaching, you have not achieved the goals we outlined at the beginning of our relationship, would you like me to:
- Suggest a different coach who you might work better with
- End our coaching relationship
- Revisit our initial agreement and revise accordingly
How to Prepare for a Coaching Session
Please use this checklist to prepare for our call each [WEEK/MONTH]
One [WEEK/MONTH] Prior
- Block out time on your calendar to complete the necessary work
- Write out your task list
- Work on your task list
- Make notes about your struggles
- Keep a list of questions for our next call
One Day Prior
- Complete and return your Pre-Call form
- Review your struggles and questions list
- Verify the time/day of your appointment
Immediately after
- Review your notes from the call
- Expand on your plan (if necessary)
Clients can use this form to review their month at a glance.
The information can be filled out at the end of each month and emailed to you, the coach, for your evaluation at the next month’s coaching session.
It is important for clients to be held accountable for taking the steps to achieve their own business goals. Getting them to evaluate themselves can lead to their admitting that they have areas that need improving. Then, you can step in and help them to find solutions.
Monthly Review Form sample
This form needs only a few standard questions for the client to answer and a lot of space for them to do so.
Your Company Name
Your Company Address
Client Name: |
1. What goals have I achieved this month? |
2. What goals are still unmet at the end of this month? |
3. What goal will I tackle next month? |
4. What is working in the coaching sessions? |
5. What is not working in the coaching sessions? |
6. What would make the sessions better? |
Knowing your past history with coaching will help me to serve you better, and to tailor my coaching to meet your needs in a way that makes the most sense to you. Please take a few minutes and answer the following questions about your past coaching experiences.
Your Company Name
Your Company Address
Client Name: |
I have worked with ______ business coach(es) in the past. (List dates and durations below – names are not necessary) |
Tell me why you chose the coaches you worked with. What made them appealing to you? |
List your 3 biggest accomplishments that directly resulted from your previous coaching experiences. |
Tell me what you wished your past coaches had done or said differently. |
Why did you end the relationships with your past coaches? |
If you were in the same place and time again, knowing what you now know, would you work with these coaches again? Why or why not? |
This is another tool that can be used by the client to evaluate themselves before each coaching session.
It can be used to get them in the right frame of mind for the coaching call. The same questions can be answered each and every time they are getting ready to meet with you so they just have to save this form when you send it to them by email and reprint a new one each month.
This form also gives the client ideas about what they want to talk about on the next session call. You may have a few questions from your client notes of the previous session but it is important they the client be allowed to speak first and direct the subject matter of the call as much as possible. When they are ready to approach a topic, then they may also be ready to accept accountability.
So, your Ongoing Pre Call form will consist of a list of questions to be answered by the client no more than 24 hours before a session. This can also be set up on your website as a private contact form, or in Google Drive as a form.
Your Company Name
(Print a new form to be completed before each coaching call)
Client Name: | |
Date: |
1. What have I accomplished since the last coaching session? |
2. What didn’t I get done, and want to be held accountable for? |
3. What have I learned about myself since the last coaching call? |
4. Is there any good news I would like to share with my business coach on this next call? |
5. What challenges did I experience since our last coaching call? |
6. What business opportunities have come my way since the last call? |
7. Have I been able to achieve balance in my life since the last call? |
8. What do I want to accomplish by the end of this next coaching session? |
This is a form detailing the agreement for a set payment schedule.
The client can refer to this form for the amount of their monthly coaching service as well as for payment option information and the cancellation policy that you institute for your business.
Payment Arrangement Form sample
This is only a sample to act as a guideline. The contents may change depending on your system for billing and accepting payments. As always, official correspondence should be sent on company letterhead.
Your Company Address
Client Name
Client Address
Fee Schedule:
According to the agreement you have entered into, payment for ____monthly coaching services___ provided by ___[INSERT COMPANY NAME]____ will be billed to you on the ____ of each month prior to that month’s coaching session in the amount of ____$450.00_____.
You have elected for the said amount to be deducted from ____ [INSERT ACCOUNT TYPE] ____. This payment will recur each month until such time as it is cancelled by the client. Please consult the cancellation policy section of the Coaching Agreement for more details.
Payment Options:
- Payment is accepted through PayPal via our site at website URL/payments
- You may cancel at any time in advance of your next session in accordance with our cancellation policy. The policy is detailed in your Coaching Agreement.
If you have any questions about this invoice, please contact me by telephone or email.
Phone: Your Phone Number
Your Company Name
Email: Website address
I have truly enjoyed working with you over the past ______ [MONTHS/WEEKS]. I love the way you’ve taken charge and moved your business ahead through decisive action. Your ability to follow through and to do the work (even when it’s hard) is admirable. Well done!
In fact, you’re exactly the type of client I love working with. If you have colleagues in need of help growing their own businesses, I’d be honored if you would pass their contact info along to me.
By way of introduction, you might want to share with them the details of your business successes (I will never disclose that information, as you know) and how I helped you accomplish your goals.
Feel free to share my website and credentials with anyone you feel might be a good fit. I’ll be more than happy to schedule a complimentary call with them to explore the possibilities.
Thank you again, and I look forward to watching your continued progress!