Congratulations if you have purchased new PLR content recently.
You have literally saved tons of cash and time and you have also freed yourself from all the hassles of planning and stressing over content creation.
If you are looking to attain instant expertise in any kind of niche, you have achieved it by downloading your awesome new PLR content.
However, you may be thinking that you can only use your PLR materials in very limited ways.
In fact, you may be thinking that the only way to use this stuff is to publish them on your blog. This is going to be a problem because of Google Panda.
You probably don’t want to be penalized by Google for duplicate content.
What do you do? Well, you can use your PLR text content as base materials that you can rewrite and use once.
You may be thinking that is the only way to use PLR content. Absolutely not. Think again.
You can actually get tons of use and value from the dollars you have spent on PLR content packages.
In fact, you can get hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars’ worth of value for the few measly bucks you spend on PLR content.
How you ask? By Repurposing it!
Repurposing means changing the format of PLR content or using it in different ways or sharing it different channels.
By doing this, you give more benefit to your intended audience and you stand to make a lot more money.
To be perfectly honest, the only limits to PLR repurposing are your imagination and creativity.
To give you a tiny idea of what is possible with PLR content repurposing, here are 101 tried and proven ideas.
But before we begin, please make sure to check the permissions of your specific PLR packages regarding the modifications you make and how much legal permission you get in giving these materials away.
You should also look at how much permission you get for allowing other people to modify the PLR materials you bought.
Idea #1: Compile blog posts into a new e-book
If you have bought a PLR blog post package, patch them together using thematic headings to create a table of contents.
Simply compile all the blog posts together into a fresh, new e-book.
You probably would need to get a cover graphic created for you book and these can be purchased at a very cheap price from places like Fiverr or other outsourcing websites.
Idea #2: Turn your PLR book into an audiobook
If you have a pleasant voice or if you know somebody who does, ask them for a favor and have them read your book into a microphone.
By doing this you can convert your PLR book into an MP3 file and give it away as an audiobook to build up your mailing list.
Alternatively, you can sell that audiobook on sites like Amazon if you invest in the right graphic cover. You can get one of these from any outsourcing site like Fiverr.
Idea #3: Turn your textbook into a picture book
Take your plain text PLR e-book and find royalty free pictures floating on the internet that match or capture the idea of key segments of the book.
Leave the rest to the text and you have yourself a picture book. You can either give this away to build your email list or you can sell it for a profit.
Idea #4: Turn your text PLR into a video slideshow with captions
Using PLR blog posts or articles, use them as scripts for slideshows.
Instead of a voiceover, use captions, which are snippets of text from the PLR materials, over pictures.
You can upload these slideshows to YouTube after converting them into MP4 files. Alternatively, you can upload these slideshows onto
Idea #5: Turn text PLR into video slideshows with voiceovers
Find royalty free images on the internet from sites like and have somebody read materials from your PLR text and use the images as the video background.
Since these are voiceover videos, you can only upload them to video platforms like YouTube or Vimeo to get traffic and subscribers.
Idea #6: Turn PLR text into video spokesperson scripts
If you can find a low-cost high-quality video spokesperson, give them your PLR blog post, article or even a short book.
Ask them to read from it while you shoot footage of them reading from a teleprompter or reading from the material in front of them.
When done right, these can make for compelling videos you can upload to YouTube and share on social media, as well as on your blog.
Idea #7: Break down PLR text into smaller parts for an online membership course
Whether you have PLR articles, blog posts, or books, you can break these into small chunks, arrange them in a certain thematic order, and then slap a membership access page on the directory that contains these materials.
This way, you can sell access to your PLR collection on a one-time or monthly membership basis.
Idea #8: Turn PLR text into Auto-Voice slideshows
If you don’t have the time to voice your own slideshows or you don’t have the money to hire somebody to do voiceovers, there are certain software packages available on the internet that you can use to turn text into auto-narrated material.
You then take the audio track that you create with that software and pair it with royalty free or public domain pictures you find on the internet and create yourself a slideshow.
You can use these slideshow videos to get traffic from YouTube. You can also post this on your Facebook page or post snippets on your Twitter account.
Idea #9: Turn PLR videos into to transcribed blog posts
Did you know that YouTube had an auto-transcription feature? Just upload your PLR video to YouTube and it will automatically transcribe.
Please keep in mind that you still have to edit the transcription because it has no punctuation.
If you don’t have the time or patience to do this, you can hire virtual assistants from low cost platforms like Cognoplus or Upwork to help you.
Once you have the transcription, you can use it for blog posts, articles or guest posts. The sky is the limit.
Idea #10: Turn PLR text into slideshows
For this strategy there is no audio so you do not need to use any kind of voice. You simply turn the text into a slideshow by superimposing the text onto pictures.
These are, of course, royalty free pictures that you find on the internet.
Once you have complied the slideshow in the form of a PPT of PowerPoint presentation, you can upload it to places like SlideShare.
Idea #11: Turn PLR text into stylized image pictures
Take the most compelling short quotes from your PLR blog posts, articles or books and turn them into social media pictures.
These pictures have nice color background, but the foreground is only text. Upload these to places like Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter.
Idea #12: Convert PLR text into sound recordings
There are AutoVoice software programs that will take your text document and convert it into an audio file.
Now, most of these will sound robotic, but if you’re just looking for any and all traffic or clicks, this is good enough.
Convert the PLR text into sound recordings using this method and upload them to audio platforms like Soundcloud.
Idea #13: Convert PLR into machine dictated audio and upload to YouTube
Take your PLR blog posts, articles and short books and run it through AutoVoice software. You will get an MP3 file.
You can then choose from a wide range of MP3 to MP4 conversion tools available on the internet to convert the file to MP4.
Once you have your MP4 file, upload it to YouTube. Make sure you get a thumbnail picture for your video.
Chances are, you’re not going to get many views, but every little bit of traffic helps because you’re going to put your target URL on the description for this video.
Idea #14: Turn blog posts into long articles
If you don’t mind publishing duplicate content on your web properties, then one way to get higher engagement content is to compile short PLR blog posts into single long articles.
Maybe you could use a list format or you can turn it into some sort of extended guide.
Whatever the case may be, compile short blog posts into long articles and promote the stuffing out of those articles.
You’ll be surprised as to the kind of traffic you can drum up if you properly promote well-written compiled PLR materials.
Idea #15: Chop PLR blog posts into email tips
Cut down and edit PLR blog posts and format them in the form of email tips. For this idea, you basically take the whole blog post and put it in one email.
If you have many blog posts, then you have many different tips to send out.
With each mailing, you get a chance to upsell your mailing list members to whatever affiliate product you are promoting.
Idea #16: Compile blog posts into subject category based guides
Many PLR packages contain blog posts covering distinct subjects.
If you were to separate these subjects based on categories, you can easily compile these materials into guides or booklets.
You then unlock these guides behind an email sign-up form. This way, you can boost your mailing list by using compiled PLR blog posts as freebies.
Idea #17: Turn PLR subject headings into Q&A pairings for Quora content
What is a Q&A pairing? You basically take the subject heading of your PLR blog post, article or book and turn them into questions.
After a few days, using another account, you or your virtual assistant from can answer the questions that you posted earlier.
You are not going to be thinking originally here. You are not going to be thinking on your feet.
You’re just basically going to copy and paste from the PLR materials that you got the question from originally.
If done well, this can boost quite a bit of traffic to your target websites.
Idea #18: Turn PLR picture content packs into your own niche focused Pinterest pin boards
There are many PLR graphics packages out there made up of pictures, vector graphics and icons.
If you bought a PLR picture package, you can easily upload all of these to Pinterest to create your own niche specific pin board.
The great thing about Pinterest is when people click on the photo, they are taken to a third party website, so make sure you link your niche specific PLR photos to the websites or content that you are promoting.
Idea #19: Convert PLR text into infographics
If you have niche specific PLR blog posts, articles or even mini books, strip them down into their most basic data points and then invest $5 on an infographic designer at Fiverr.
You get a nifty infographic, that you can then post to your website or post to other websites to get backlinks to your website.
You can also use the infographics on your social media accounts, as well as on your blog.
Idea #20: Convert PLR picture content packages into slideshows
If you have gotten your hands on niche specific PLR picture packages, these are goldmines. They really are.
You can easily turn them into a slideshow and you can post this slideshow on your social media accounts, and on slideshow specific platforms like SlideShare to get traffic back to your website.
Idea #21: Convert PLR picture content packages into videos
You can use certain types of software to compile your pictures into a slideshow, which you then animate into a video.
When done well, these can actually be quite good and they can have quite a bit of an impact.
When you create the videos, you can share them on your social media accounts, YouTube, as well as Vimeo and other video platforms.
Idea #22: Turn your PLR blog posts into Tweet questions
Most blog posts have certain questions that they pose or answer.
Figure these out by reading your PLR blog post content and post these questions on Twitter along with the link to your website that you have posted your PLR blog post on.
Idea #23: Convert PLR books’ best parts into highly shareable FB picture quotes
Many people on Facebook cannot help themselves when it comes to sharing picture quotes.
You can start taking advantage of this trend by stripping out the very best quotes from your PLR books, slapping them onto topic-related pictures and then uploading these to your website’s Facebook page as picture quotes.
Idea #24: Convert picture packs into blog posts
Believe it or not PLR picture packs can also be turned into blog posts. You can feature a picture collection or you can use a nice little slideshow for your blog post.
I would suggest that you break down your PLR picture packs based on a topic and try to get as many different blog posts from one pack.
Idea #25: Break up PLR books into blog posts
If you’re going to be posting on Web 2.0 platforms, one way to get a lot of content from your PLR materials is to simply break down PLR books into smaller thematic chunks.
Try to convert them into blog post form. You probably would need to include royalty-free pictures with these blog posts.
You can use a virtual assistant to do this so you can save time, effort and money.
Idea #26: Convert PLR books into articles
There are many well-written PLR books out there. It would really be a shame if you are just going to keep them in book form.
Break down these books into article format and post these articles on Web 2.0 platforms so you can get traffic from these or you can use links to these and have them point to your tier 2 or tier 1 websites for your SEO network.
Idea #27: Break PLR blog posts into episodic email content
Lots of blog post actually pack quite a bit of episodic information.
Episodic information is really situation-based information so if you can break down your PLR blog post materials into distinct episodes, you could then set up your autoresponder e-mail system to blast these out based on a schedule.
You can make money off this e-mail content by posting links that upsell a wide range of affiliate products or your own products.
Idea #28: Convert your PLR articles into podcasts
If you have a good voice and if you have the time, you may want to read PLR articles into a microphone, record and upload to Apple in the form of a podcast.
You can also hire voice over artists off Fiverr for your podcast.
You’re going to have to spend a little money doing that, but this is a great way to convert PLR text into podcasts, which can make you quite a bit of cash if you do it right.
Idea #29: Strip blog “money quotes” into roundup video scripts
Roundup video scripts are basically stripped-down, very short video clips that automatically play when people load see them on Facebook.
You can make tons of these just by picking the very best quotes from your PLR blog posts and slapping them in front of a royalty-free photo and turning them into videos that you can share on Facebook.
Idea #30: Strip blog “money quotes” into roundup slideshow presentation with quotes
Roundup slide show presentations are basically stripped-down, very short slide shows that automatically play when people see them on Facebook.
You can make tons of these just by picking the very best quotes from your PLR blog posts and creating short slide shows out of them.
You can use these for Facebook, YouTube or any other platform that accepts video.
Idea #31: Tweet summaries or “money quotes” from PLR blog posts
If you can fit PLR blog post summaries into 140 characters or less, you can promote these on Twitter.
You can use this as content tweets meaning you’re just doing this to gain a following, but you can also pair this with a target URL.
That way, you can actually get traffic from Twitter.
Idea #32: Submit PLR to social bookmarking sites for links and traffic
You can submit copied and pasted PLR blog post articles and book excerpts to social bookmarking sites.
These would link to your target website or you can use these to just build up your brand. It’s your call.
Whatever the case may be, many of these bookmarking sites can actually deliver traffic.
Idea #33: Share PLR video clips on Twitter
If you’ve bought a video clip package, don’t just give them away for your mailing list.
You can also upload them on Twitter by targeting a wide range of hashtags that are directly related to your niche.
The key here is to get as many people to see your video clips and click on your links so your website can get traffic.
Idea #34: Share edited PLR video clips on Instagram
Instagram is a great branding platform.
If you maximize your visibility on Instagram, you might want to strip down a PLR video into very short snippets and post them on Instagram.
Of course, the secret to this is to target the right niche-specific hashtags.
Idea #35: Strip out PLR video clips for commentary clips on Facebook
Basically, you edit down the video clips in your PLR package and you use video editing software to post quotes or commentary.
Once you have these short clips going on auto loop, you can post them on Facebook, and if they’re short enough, Twitter and other places.
Idea #36: Print out PLR books and give them away in one unit
There are lots of short PLR books out there. One of the best ways to repurpose such materials is too compile them all into an “all-in-one” book.
Print these out – there are many cheap hardcover printers out there – and then give these away on your website.
You can actually make money “giving away” hardcover PLR books. How? Say that the compiled book is free but the recipient has to pay shipping.
This actually works quite a bit because people respond differently to hardcover books compared to purely digital books.
Idea #37: Print PLR books and give away in a series of installments
You can take a PLR book and break it down into smaller sections and have these all printed out in the form of booklets. When you look at the cover, you could easily see that they’re part of a series. You can give this away one by one or you can sell them one by one. It’s your choice. The fact that they are part of a series actually enhances their value.
Idea #38: Strip out or edit down PLR articles and put them in a list article
When you look at a PLR article, you would quickly see that it actually covers different topics.
You can strip all of these down or edit them down and then put them in a list article that covers the themes that the original articles focus on.
Of course, you have to run this through Copyscape to make sure that the duplicate content is at an acceptable level.
This way, you can then rank on search engines for this content or, if you don’t want to run that risk, just publish this material on a Web 2.0 platform and link to your main site or a secondary site.
Idea #39: Republish your content on medium and related platforms and use a no follow link
How do you republish PLR content without suffering an SEO penalty?
The best way to do this is to publish high-quality PLR content (I’m talking about articles and blog posts) on Web 2.0 platforms.
Post them on as many pages as possible and then have them all link to either your mailing list squeeze page or your secondary sites.
If you are very gutsy, you can even link these to your main site. Now, here’s the thing. You have to use a no-follow link so you don’t get a penalty.
Personally speaking, I would not link to my main site. I would “launder” a link by having it pass through secondary sites. You don’t want to take that risk.
Idea #40: Republish PLR content on the web and use Hootsuite to publicize on social media
If you have opened lots of Web 2.0 accounts – I’m talking about Blogger,,, Weebly and Medium – you can use those platforms to publish PLR content.
Once you have done that, you can then strip out the URLs of those places and use Hootsuite or any other type of social media publishing tool to keep republishing those materials on your social media account.
If you know what you’re doing and you target the right hashtags, you may be able to generate quite a bit of traffic this way.
Ideally, you should direct that traffic not to your money site but to your mailing list and then from your mailing list, you can promote your money site or you can upsell them to all sorts of affiliate products.
Idea #41: Post PLR articles in chunks on Reddit
Assuming that you have access to PLR articles that haven’t been published all that much, you may be able to break them into chunks and publish them on Reddit.
Now, this takes quite a bit of extra work because you have to come up with an original title and an original intro. The rest can be copied and pasted.
Idea #42: Repurpose your PLR book as a premium for your mailing list
This is pretty straightforward.
You basically take the PLR book that you bought and slap on a new cover, change a few headlines, put your name on it and then offer it as a bribe for people joining your mailing list.
Idea #43: Use your PLR book as a giveaway for a third-party site posting your guest post
When you are approaching third-party websites for them to publish your guest post, you might want to sweeten the deal by giving them rights to your PLR book.
You tell them that they can use it as a giveaway or they can use it for their own purposes.
Whatever the case may be they are getting it for free in exchange for them posting your guest post. This may increase your guest post acceptance rates.
Idea #44: Post PLR articles in chunks on forums
If you get your hands on a fresh bundle of PLR articles you can break them up into smaller chunks and publish them to online forums and message boards.
This does take a bit of extra work because you have to come up with an original title and an original intro but the rest can just be copied and pasted.
Idea #45: Post PLR articles in chunks on FB Groups
Take a pack of PLR articles, break them up into smaller chunks, add a royalty free picture and post it on Facebook Groups.
The reason you need to use some sort of picture is to make the post more compelling and attractive on Facebook Groups.
Idea #46: Post PLR articles in chunks on Facebook Comments
Take niche-specific articles and look for Facebook pages that focus on those niches.
Try to find their content that is very similar to the PLR materials that you have broken down.
Once you see a match, then comment on niche-specific Facebook pages posts using chunks of your PLR content.
You have to do this while posting as your page on Facebook.
If you do this right, when people like your comment, they would click on your avatar or icon to end up on your Facebook page. They can then like your page.
This way, when you post an update, you may be able to get traffic from Facebook to your target website.
Idea #47: Transcribe PLR video into short blog posts
If you find a quality set of PLR videos here’s a neat trick to repurpose them into something new.
Simply transcribe the PLR video then take the lengthy transcription and break it down into short chunks to use as blog posts.
Now you can take these short blog posts and share them on social media or elsewhere as completely new content.
Idea #48: Use transcribed PLR video scripts for tweets
Starting with a PLR video, transcribe it either manually or outsource someone to transcribe it for you.
Once you have gotten the transcription, strip tit down into short tweets that you can share on Twitter.
This will give you plenty of fresh new content to share on twitter to grow your following.
Idea #49: Add to PLR videos with your own new video footage
You can start with the PLR video you bought and then you can shoot new footage and add it to the original PLR video.
If done right, you can actually use this for your own YouTube channel or, at the very least, you can share this on your blog or on your social media accounts.
Idea #50: Add PLR videos to podcasts
The best way to do this is to shoot original footage for your podcast and then add snippets of PLR videos.
This way, you leverage the best parts or the strengths of these PLR videos without looking like you are just republishing someone else’s materials.
Idea #51: Post PLR videos on YouTube
This has probably been done by your competitors before, but it doesn’t hurt. Just go ahead and post these PLR videos on YouTube.
Make sure you categorize specifically to target your niche. Use the right tags to target your niche.
Put a lot of niche-related keywords in the description but make sure it’s readable by a human being.
Also, link to your squeeze page or any other page you are promoting.
If done right, you can get quite a bit of traffic from YouTube if you have enough PLR videos in your niche.
Idea #52: Use PLR photo packages for newsletter giveaways
You can use PLR photo or graphics packages as a freebie to get people to join your mailing list.
Simply offer to give them free access in exchange for their email address. Alternatively, you can use them as a reward for people who are already on your list.
Try to play around with this concept and figure out which approach gets better results.
Idea #53: Use PLR photo packages as rewards for people sharing your site URL or content on Facebook
If you already have people on your mailing list, it may be a good idea to incentivize them to share your posts on their social media walls.
The big issue here is verification that they actually did it.
If you’re going to run this type of promotion, make sure you ask them to send you URLs, and these have to be public URLs of their Facebook walls.
Idea #54: Use PLR book giveaways to reward people sharing your site URL on Facebook
Whether you promote this on your website or through your mailing list, you can definitely get quite a bit of traffic from Facebook by simply asking your followers or fans to share your blog’s main URL on their Facebook wall.
It’s very important that they send you a verification. This has to be the public URL of their post.
Otherwise, there’s no way for you to know if they’ve actually shared your link.
Idea #55: Use PLR book giveaways to reward people tweeting your promo URL
You can also use PLR materials to reward people for simply tweeting the URL of your book promotions or the main URL of your website.
Personally, I prefer the book promotions URL. Why? You are creating a loop.
The more people promote your promo, the more people can follow you and then promote the same URL to their followers because they want to get the book.
This can create an exponential effect. The downside to this is that it can be very labor intensive to keep track of the promotions.
Idea #56: Use PLR content to inspire you to write new content
Read through the PLR stuff that you bought. See if there are any ideas there that would inspire you to come up with better or 100% original content.
The easiest way to do this is to use the table of content as a new outline to start writing you own unique content.
Idea #57: Write rebuttal content from PLR content
Basically, this method of repurposing involves you copying and pasting small blocks of text from your PLR materials.
You then create original commentary around those materials.
Now, the key here is to not copy and paste too much because you might trigger a duplicate content penalty from Google.
Still, rebuttal content may draw new traffic to your website.
Idea #58: Create new content by providing examples for PLR content
This is a great way of getting inspired to create new content.
What you do is that you read the PLR content that you have and then you come up with descriptions or other derivative content, and then you link to the PLR content.
It’s really important not to copy and paste that content because you might get hit with a duplicate content penalty.
Idea #59: Turn PLR blog posts into stripped down video scripts that you give away
Video is very big right now and will be in the future. The problem is, to create a video, you have to have a solid script.
You can strip down PLR content and use these for video scripts.
You then give the videos away in exchange for people sharing your links on the internet or joining your mailing list.
Idea #60: Strip down PLR books into mind maps you give away
Mind maps are just glorified or stripped down outlines. Whatever PLR book you have can be stripped down into outlines.
It’s as basic as looking at the table of contents, looking at the main points for each item on the table of contents, and creating mind-map data points out of it.
Idea #61: Strip down PLR books into cheat sheets you give away
Cheat sheets are essentially summaries of the major parts of a book.
For example, if a book teaches you how to do something, you can write down summaries in a step by step fashion, and then compile these to create a cheat sheet.
Usually, cheat sheets are not very long. We’re talking about three pages tops. They’re fairly easy to make.
Idea #62: Turn PLR text into video webinar scripts and repurpose these into tutorial courses
You can turn the text into scripts, and then you can turn those video scripts, which are stripped down, into tutorial courses.
In other words, you turn long PLR texts into short video scripts, and then you turn these into video tutorials.
This takes a little bit more effort, but you can actually make money three times.
You make money with the PLR itself, you make money with the webinar script, and finally, you make money from the membership fees people pay to access your tutorial courses.
Idea #63: Turn PLR text into tutorial videoscripts and convert these into webinars
This is pretty straightforward. If you have any kind of PLR article or blog post, strip those down into outline form.
These should then read like video scripts that can be read aloud and recorded.
Once you have turned the text and recordings into videos, convert those videos into webinars that people either pay for or give their email address to access.
Idea #64: Turn PLR text into infographics, then break them down into slideshows
In this technique, you can literally win three times.
You can get traffic using the PLR text, you can get links by coming up with infographics that you promote, and you can then repurpose the newly made infographics into a slideshow.
Now the slideshow can then get you even more links if you upload it to places like SlideShare.
Idea #65: Turn PLR text into infographics, then break them into pictures for your Pinterest
Pinboard Infographics are very powerful, but they require a lot of data points. You can use your existing PLR blog posts and articles for those data points.
Once you have created the infographic, you can of course use that as content for your blogs to try to get backlinks from other blogs.
You can also upload that infographic to Pinterest.
In addition to that, you can break down the different parts of the infographics and upload them to Pinterest and have them link to the same place.
Idea #66: Strip PLR books into action sheets you can give away
An action sheet is really just a checklist of specific actions you need to take. They are step by step process instructions.
They are very direct and sometimes they give examples. Well-written PLR books can easily be stripped down into bite sized, one-sheet giveaways.
Use these to build your mailing list or get people to share your links on social media.
Idea #67: Strip PLR books into checklists you give away
If you are looking for something to give away to build your mailing list, look no further than stripping down the PLR books that you already have into actionable checklists.
These checklists enable people to make sure that they are ready to do something, or they become aware of certain issues regarding a task.
Idea #68: Strip PLR books into questions for Quora
PLR books, just like any other book, exist because they answer questions. Find those questions and post them on Quora if they haven’t already been asked.
Once you’ve done this, you can then use another account to post answers to the Quora questions you posted. Where do you think those answers will come from?
That’s right, the PLR books that you got the questions from in the first place.
Idea #69: Strip PLR books into template giveaways
All books have a skeleton. This is called its outline. All outlines can be stripped down even further to be turned into templates.
If you have access to a wide range of PLR books, you can strip them down into templates, and then give them away to build up your mailing list or to incentivize people to share your stuff on social media.
If you don’t have time or the motivation to do this, you can hire a virtual assistant and have them strip down loads and loads of PLR books into templates which you can then use to get traffic.
Idea #70: Strip PLR articles into template giveaways
All articles start with an outline. All outlines can be stripped down even further to be turned into templates.
If you have access to a wide range of PLR articles, you can strip them down into templates, and then give them away to build up your mailing list or to incentivize people to share your stuff on social media.
Idea #71: Strip PLR blog posts into template giveaways
All blog posts start with an outline. All outlines can be stripped down even further to be turned into templates.
If you have access to a wide range of PLR blog posts, you can strip them down into templates, and then give them away to build up your mailing list or to incentivize people to share your stuff on social media.
Idea #72: Use your PLR giveaway statistics as case studies for blog posts
If you are in any way, shape or form giving away PLR materials, pay close attention to how many downloads you get. Pay close attention to how people find your page.
Use this information to create case study blog posts. People who are interested in PLR or how to use PLR would be interested in the case studies you post.
Idea #73: Break PLR books down into a special opt-in email series
If you have access to a very well-written PLR book that talks about a topic that is in high demand, don’t let it go to waste.
Break it down into small bite-sized pieces, and then create a special opt-in email series based on the book.
In other words, when people sign up to this mailing list, they will get an automated email. You don’t have to manually send this stuff out.
Every single day or every single week, they would get the latest installment from the book. Please understand that you can’t go crazy.
You can’t send thousands upon thousands of words in an email. People are just not going to read it. You have to use your discretion.
Generally speaking, people can tolerate maybe 300-500 words in an email so keep that in mind.
Idea #74: Use PLR videos for individual reverse opt-ins
As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, guess what? Videos are worth millions of words. Videos can be that engaging and powerful.
This is why you should use PLR videos to get people to sign up for special access to those videos on your website.
People have to enter their email address just to access one video. If they want to see another video, then they would have to enter their email address again.
This is a great way of building up your mailing list. It is also a great way of building your brand if you do it right.
Idea #75: Rewrite PLR text for guest posts
If you want to build links as well as get direct traffic for your blog, one of the best ways to do it is through guest posting.
The problem with guest posting, of course, involves content costs. Writers can get quite expensive.
This is why it’s a good idea to get ideas from your PLR text and just simply rewrite them and pitch them for guest post backlinks.
Idea #76: Rewrite PLR text for blog comments
If you can find blog posts that address certain questions raised that your PLR material can answer, you might want to paraphrase or copy and paste some of your PLR materials when commenting on these blog posts.
Since you are copying and pasting very relevant materials, you should not get any complaints.
Idea #77: Tweet the best bits of PLR text and link to the rewritten version
There are two things happening with this method of repurposing PLR content. First, you need to find the very best parts of the PLR text you have.
Also, you have to find niche hashtags that are also related to these materials. Second, you’re going to have to link to the re-written version of that PLR.
You can’t just strip out the best bits and then just tweet them out. There’s no payload. There’s no point. What are you expecting to get out of this?
Get them to click on a link so they can go to your website and possibly make you some money.
Idea #78: Tweet unmodified PLR photos
If you have a niche-specific PLR photo package, find niche-specific hashtags and just tweet these photos unmodified.
You don’t have to put a watermark on them, you don’t have to link to your website, just tweet them out. This builds credibility for your Twitter feed in your niche.
Idea #79: Tweet PLR photos with embedded text
If you have a niche-specific PLR photo package, put some text on the photos with whichever photo editing software you use.
Ideally, you should put your URL, so regardless of where your photos end up, people will always find a way to get to your website.
Idea #80: Use PLR blog posts as scripts for Whiteboard videos
Whiteboard videos involve a hand drawing and then all these amazing captions and drawings appear.
They can be very effective, although they are getting quite a bit old.
So, to do yourself a big favor and take a shortcut you can use PLR blog posts and strip them down into short scripts for Whiteboard videos.
Now, this begs the question, where do you get these Whiteboard videos?
Well, there is a software called VideoScribe that you can use to create these Whiteboard videos. Use your PLR materials for scripts and you’re good to go.
Idea #81: Use PLR blog posts for video spokesperson videos
If you want a truly effective video, one of the best ways to do it is to get a video spokesperson.
This means you’re going to have to hire somebody from an outsourcing site or you can do it yourself. Now, don’t freak out.
With enough practice, you can probably do a good job presenting on video. It just takes some getting used to. It also requires the right equipment.
Idea #82: Use PLR photos for your FB group comments
One highly effective way to promote your blog or website on Facebook is to join groups related to your niche. Engage with people. Ask a lot of questions.
Share a lot of valuable information. That’s how you build authority and credibility.
Once you are able to do that, you can then use your PLR photos to add value to your comments. You’re not just posting text.
They can see related photos in your comments. Eventually, you should post content from your blogs so you can get traffic from all your Facebook group engagements.
Idea #83: Pair PLR photos with FB wall posts
An effective way to promote your blog or website on Facebook is to post to Facebook walls related to your niche to engage with people. Ask a lot of questions.
Share a lot of valuable information. That’s how you build authority and credibility.
Eventually, you should post content from your blog so you can get traffic from all your Facebook wall post engagements.
Idea #84: Quote PLR snippets for forum discussion threads
It doesn’t matter whether you’re working with PLR articles or blog posts, break them down into snippets and look for relevant discussions on niche-specific forums.
If you do this correct you can recycle your PLR materials and you can also drop a link to your blog. You can get quite a bit of traffic this way if you do it right.
Don’t just drop the snippet with no explanation or no commentary and then a link. That’s called spamming.
Idea #85: Quote PLR snippets for forum responses
Take your PLR articles or blog posts and break them up into short snippets and look for relevant discussions on niche-specific forums.
Post your snippets to get forum responses, not starting an actual discussion. Two totally different things.You can get quite a bit of traffic this way if you do it right.
Idea #86: Quote PLR snippets for Facebook group posts
A quick way to get traffic from Facebook is to join niche groups related to your PLR.
Then you can simply break down your PLR articles into short snippets and post them to the niche specific groups to start a relevant discussion.
You can get quite a bit of traffic this way if you do it right.
Don’t just drop the snippet with no explanation or no commentary and then a link because that will be viewed as spam and get you kicked out of the group.
Idea #87: Quote PLR snippets for FB group replies
Gather up your PLR articles or blog posts and break them up into short snippets and look for relevant discussions on niche-specific Facebook groups.
Post your snippets on inside the groups to get quick responses and replies, not to start an actual discussion. That’s two totally different things.
You can get quite a bit of traffic this way if you do it right.
Idea #88: Embed PLR videos in forum posts
If you have niche-specific PLR videos, don’t let them go to waste.
Upload them to YouTube and then take the embed code and post an interesting commentary on niche-related forums.
Embed the YouTube video of your PLR videos on your posts. This can trigger quite a bit of traffic if you do it right.
Idea #89: Post “best of” forum posts using links to your PLR
One of the most popular types of forum posts is when people try to help others by saying, “These are the ‘best of’.”
Maybe you’re talking about the best restaurants that offer a certain cuisine, or maybe you’re talking about the best of Los Angeles or the best of San Francisco and you recommend certain locations or events.
Whatever the case may be, use the “best of” format to link to the many different pages on your website that contain PLR.
Idea #90: Post resource lists on forums linking to your PLR
A lot of people on niche-related forums are looking for resources. Maybe they’re lazy, maybe they just don’t have the time, maybe they just don’t have the imagination.
Whatever the case may be, they’d rather have a reference list that they can click so they can get to where they want to go. You can use this to your advantage.
Create a believable resource list related to a specific subtopic in your niche and include links on some of them to your PLR.
This way, you can get quite a bit of traffic from these forums. People are not going to report you for spam because they think that your post is actually useful.
Idea #91: Use PLR photos for forum posts
With this approach, you basically use PLR photos to add value to your forum posts.
Ideally, your PLR photos should be watermarked or should have at least some sort of text to make them special.
Otherwise, when people find your stuff through Google images, your materials are going to look exactly like other earlier posts of the same PLR materials.
Try to get the most mileage out of these photos by embedding some sort of text on them like your URL that can get people to pay attention to your brand or, better yet, end up on your website.
Idea #92: Embed new text on PLR photos and republish on Instagram
It doesn’t really matter whether you have a lot of followers on Instagram, people do look for your niche materials using hashtags.
Use this fact to your advantage by embedding text on PLR photos and uploading these to your Instagram account. There are all sorts of tools you can use.
Use your desktop or laptop to upload content to your Instagram account. You don’t have to use the app.
Idea #93: Embed new text on PLR photos and republish on Pinterest
Embed text on your PLR photos and republish them on Pinterest. Be sure to pay close attention to tags and categories so people can find your niche photos.
Also, you can link from your photos to the most photo-relevant content on your website.
Idea #94: Shoot reaction videos using PLR text and post them on YouTube
Record yourself reading your PLR text aloud and post your reaction to what you are reading. Now, of course, this does not apply to all niches.
If you have a niche that has long been associated with reaction videos, this would work.
For example, if you have an entertainment or cooking-related PLR, this strategy will work.
Idea #95: Shoot reaction videos using PLR photos
Go through your photos and show them on your screen while you’re shooting the video. You can even use a split-screen using software.
One end shows the video footage of you reacting. On the other end, of course, is the PLR photo that you are reacting to.
If done right, you can actually get quite a bit of traffic and attention from YouTube using this technique.
Idea #96: Use PLR videos to get on blog roundups
Use your videos as a bribe or premium for people running blogs. Tell them you’d like to participate in their next blog roundup.
And to sweeten the deal, you are giving them your PLR videos.
Idea #97: Convert PLR photos into cartoons using Photoshop and give them away
There are all sorts of Photoshop addons that would take any kind of photo and turn it into a cartoon. Now, some are better than others.
It’s all up to you to find which mod you like best. Whatever the case may be, use the distortion created by those addons to create new content.
Give away this content to build up your mailing list or incentivize people to share your links on social media.
Idea #98: Convert PLR photos into cartoons using Photoshop and tweet with text
There are quite a few Photoshop addons that can take any kind of photo and turn it into a cartoon or sketch. Now, some are better than others.
It’s all up to you to find which addon you like best. Whatever the case may be, use the new picture created by these addon to create new content.
Once you get the photo finished, you can tweet it along with commentary text and hashtags on twitter.
Idea #99: Convert PLR photos into cartoons using Photoshop and convert into video
This is a two-step process. You use the photoshop addon to convert your PLR photos into funny or at least interesting cartoons.
You then take the cartoons and turn them into a slideshow, which you then save as an MP4 file. Once you have video in that format, you can then upload it to YouTube.
You can get quite a bit of traffic on YouTube as well as branding opportunities.
Idea #100: Convert PLR photos into cartoons using Photoshop and use as blog post headers
There are plenty of Photoshop addons that can take any kind of photo and turn it into a cartoon or sketch. This is a great way to create unique photos out of PLR.
A great way to use the newly created photo is for the header of your blog posts. This will make your blog posts more attractive and unique to your readers.
Idea #101: Compile different PLR photos, videos and text all focused on the same niche and give them away
This is called the super bundle technique. You get PLR materials that cover all different formats. I’m talking about photos, videos and text.
The text, of course, are blog posts and articles. All of these must be tightly related to a specific niche.
You can then give this away, either in exchange for an email or in exchange for people sharing your stuff on social media or tagging some sort of photo.
Whatever the case may be, this is a very powerful incentive because people get access to niche-specific content in many different formats.
There you have it, 101 ways to repurpose PLR content.
Don’t think for a second that once you’ve bought a PLR, then you have just blown your money because the only thing you can do is rewrite these materials.
As I have shown you with this 101 techniques, it doesn’t matter whether you have bought PLR text, PLR videos or photos, there are so many ways you can repurpose these materials so you can continue to make money off of them for a long, long time to come.