The Freedom to Be Your Own Boss
There’s a common theme among those who begin searching for a way to launch their own work at home business – financial freedom.
You might be in dire need of a way to earn more money than your current job provides.
Or, it could be that you have a job that pays an amazing salary, but just doesn’t fulfill you as much as being your own boss would.
There’s something missing from life when you’re forced to report to a job at a specific time, told what tasks need to be done, and obligated to steer a company the way other people say it should be directed.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Being your own boss doesn’t just entail sleeping late and working in your pajamas, as many hyped up products like to lure you with.
In fact, you may even find there’s more work involved – depending on what path you choose to acquire your wealth.
But either way, the satisfaction level you achieve by pursuing your own goals will outweigh any job performance review you’ve ever gotten in the 9-5 grind of the corporate world.
There’s a solution available to everyone on the spectrum – from those desperate to pay the rent to people looking for a way to supplement their retirement, and it’s called Internet Marketing.
It allows you to work the hours you want to work, whether that’s 11 P.M. to 3 o-clock in the morning or keeping in line with a traditional 8-5 approach. You make the decision.
Your Internet marketing career can involve as much or as little work as you want it to.
You can choose something that requires 30 minutes a day and has slower growth or an option allowing you to bang out a month’s worth of 12 hour days to achieve an unbelievable return on your investment of time in just 30 days.
You’ll be able to choose where you work.
Very few Internet marketers actually rent office space out of their home.
Because overhead costs are kept low anyway, there’s no reason to add to it when all you need is a computer and an Internet connection, which fits nicely in a spare bedroom or right in the corner of an existing room, like the den!
Running your own business means being in touch with it on a regular basis, so it might be hard to leave for a 2-week vacation without checking in once (although it is possible, depending on which avenue of Internet marketing you choose).
But the good news is – laptops are portable, and you could spend 365 days a year lounging on the beach since you can run an Internet marketing business from anywhere in the world, provided you have access to the World Wide Web.
You won’t have to submit an approval form to leave work.
You won’t have to alert your clients that you’re going to the Bahamas.
You just pack up and go, logging in once a day or so to see how things are progressing.
Let’s talk money now.
Financial freedom has a different meaning for everyone.
To some, it could be having enough to finally cover all bills.
To others, it may mean making plenty to sock away for retirement and live a luxurious lifestyle.
The benefit of running an Internet marketing business is that you have no glass ceiling preventing you from earning as much as you want to.
And you won’t have to ask anyone to pay you more, fearing rejection of a raise.
You set your prices on products.
You work more when you want to earn more or cut your hours when money isn’t too tight.
You decide when and if you want to branch out into another area of Internet marketing to expand your online empire.
It’s Not All Fun and Games
Now you know about the benefits.
Let’s talk reality about this world of online operations, because there seems to be some great myth that most marketers are promoting pie in the sky drams that are mostly hype and very little substance.
The reality is – it’s work!
You’re not going to choose a username, create a link and wake up to $1,000 that you made while you sleep.
Even affiliate marketing – where you sell other people’s goods, requires you to do some work to get your share of the commission.
If you’re looking for a turnkey, get rich quick miracle, Internet marketing isn’t it.
Go buy a lottery ticket and pray that your numbers win big.
You can’t see those stats where one guy makes $1 million in 18 hours and think that’s going to happen to you your first week.
The reality is, it took more than those 18 hours to make that million – it took months, if not a year to get that product launch set up to rake in that much cash in a short period of time.
If you’re not going to enjoy the drudgery of getting all your ducks in a row before the money starts rolling in, then Internet marketing may not be the business for you.
Here’s just a taste of some of the tasks you might be doing to achieve the monetary rewards you’re seeking:
• Building a massive warehouse list of keywords and phrases (we’re talking 10k or more, not just the top 10 words).
• Writing and submitting articles – hundreds of them, to plant all around the net as a map to your offers.
• Filtering your outsourcing options – checking profiles, posting projects, and testing service providers to see who works best for your needs.
• Answering emails from customers.
• Setting up websites, even if it’s just a one-page minisite with a Buy Now button.
• Handling download problems – even with the best system in place, sometimes things have a glitch and need your attention.
• Creating products – they could be in text, audio, or video format. They may be short or lengthy, depending on the amount of information you’re selling.
This is a short list, but you can see immediately how much there is to do on a regular basis.
Even if you’re an affiliate, you’ll still be reviewing products, building a toolbox of promotional materials, and setting up autoresponder emails to convert prospects into sales.
You’re Speaking Greek to Me!
If some of these terms sound foreign to you – autoresponder, affiliate marketing, and more, don’t worry.
In the coming weeks, you’re going to get a crash course in Internet marketing from A to Z.
It’s important when you’re just starting out to remember that Google is your friend.
Before you email other marketers or post in forums, Google the terms you don’t know.
There are a lot of people who don’t take the time to educate themselves about this business, and those are the ones who fail to generate any money and continue spinning their wheels until they finally quit out of frustration.
Another good place to go is the Warrior Forum at www.WarriorForum.com.
Here, you can ask questions about this industry, but before you do, use the search feature and type in your question to see if anyone’s already asked it and had it answered.
For instance, if you have a question about Squidoo, type Squidoo into the search form and you’ll see a whole host of questions and answers people have given about the use of that particular site, like this:
So you can see from the above, and this is just a small fraction of the results, that many people before you have had the same questions about this topic.
This same strategy can be done in any Internet marketing forum, but the Warrior Forum is well-known for its size.
Where Do You Start?
Regardless of whether you’re rich or poor, as a newbie Internet marketer, it’s important to start with the free methods of making money online before you journey into paid tactics that will provide a higher return on your investment.
Initially, your overhead will consist mostly of time.
As your skills evolve, you’ll want to use paid traffic techniques that help you hone in on your target audience quicker and more precisely.
Before you begin to make a dime online, you have to know some ground rules.
Most of them are based in proper etiquette, but a few are rules you need to know to prevent you from getting into hot water with the law – like Spamming!
There are a few unethical marketers online who prey on those who aren’t too savvy about this business, so you’re going to need to know how to sort out who’s who among trustworthy individuals.
Some of the first steps will require you to make choices based on your personal preferences.
It’s okay to change your mind, but make sure you’ve followed through on an opportunity before you just throw up your hands and move on.
Having the Right Map to Succeed
Buyer beware – there are a lot of half empty products out there and you’re going to be very disappointed if you buy by the seat of your pants and don’t take recommendations from ethical marketers.
Some products will tell only half the story – others will blatantly lie (or maybe they just mislead because they don’t know what they’re talking about).
But a few are very, very reliable and give you exactly what you need to build a blueprint for your online business success.
I’m going to show you the route many have used to gain the financial and personal freedom you now desire.
You’ll be learning the basics first – like boot camp for Internet marketers.
All of your fundamental questions will be answered, and some rules will be spelled out before we move on to specific strategies like building a list of prospects, generating traffic from both free and paid opportunities, and developing partnerships with other online marketers that have you poised to take in a lot of money in a short period of time.
I’m going to give you a non-biased accounting of all of your options – including product ownership and affiliate marketing.
You’re going to discover small tiny technical details no one ever shares with you – like how to make and cloak links, how to hyperlink an image, and a step-by-step method for navigating your hosting account.
All of the nitty gritty details – the elements most eBooks skip over because they assume you know this stuff already, I’m going to share with you.
Along the way, I will share my own insight about which tools or products are available and trustworthy should you decide you want to delve into the topic in more detail.
At the end of this introduction to Internet marketing, you should have all of the fundamental knowledge you need to launch a solid business where you’re at the helm, placing one building block on the next until you reach the level of success you’ve always dreamed about.
This isn’t some industry where you can waft in and out from one day to the next.
If you’re serious about this, it can become a multi-million dollar empire – a bona fide business you can pass down to your heirs.
If you have the motivation and mindset to become your own boss, taking on the responsibilities that entails, along with reaping the rewards, then you might be a perfect fit to don a new career hat as an Internet marketer.
If your needs are more pressing, then it’s advisable that you go out and get a job that has a steady paycheck attached to it.
Then, work on building your online business in your spare time until it reaches a level of success where you can afford to turn in your resignation and work toward increasing your earnings over time.
Internet marketing isn’t a magic bullet.
It can provide you with the financial security, the lifestyle, and the prestige you want out of your career.
Are you ready to further your education in an industry grown men and women of any age can master?
If you’re hesitant or need more information, it only means you’re proceeding with caution, and that’s perfectly normal.