Many online marketers attempt niche marketing but are not successful with it.
There can be many reasons for this and in this special report we will provide you with the success blueprint for Niche Marketing.
Your success in niche marketing heavily depends on the amount of preparation that you do.
We will explain what you absolutely must do in this report to provide you with the maximum chance of being successful with your niche marketing website.
A lot of online marketers are lazy and expect instant success from anything that they do.
But we know that it doesn’t work like that and you have to put in the necessary time and effort so that you stand every chance of succeeding.
So please read this short report from beginning to end and follow the 7 steps so that you can create a niche marketing website that will make you money for years to come.
Don’t make the same mistakes that so many other online marketers do.
Step 1 – Generate Niche Market Ideas
This is an essential step to niche marketing success. If you choose the wrong niche then you are literally doomed to failure before you even start.
It is very likely that most niche marketing failures arise from choosing the wrong niche. This can be so easily avoided by spending a little time and effort to find the right one.
If you have read anything about niche marketing before you will no doubt have heard that you should choose a niche that you are passionate about.
This makes sense from the point of view that you will have the motivation to succeed with something that you love. But it is not always the best solution.
You see some people will be passionate about niches that are either very small or have very few ways, if any, to make money. And that’s what it’s all about right?
Well we would never recommend that you just chase money, but you need to ensure that there are opportunities to make money in your chosen niche.
So how do you find the right niche? Well we suggest that you start by identifying and writing down what you are passionate about and what interests you.
If you can find a niche that you love that has a sizable audience and there is opportunity to make money then this is golden. But don’t be too swayed by this.
You want to create as many ideas for niches as you can. There is a verification process in Step 2 that will eliminate some of these ideas. Don’t get emotional about this.
Niche marketing is a business and you need to be level headed about it and take it seriously. There are many places where you can get other ideas for niche markets.
We recommend that you choose an evergreen niche. An evergreen niche is one where there is constant demand all year around, and that demand will continue for several years into the future.
So some examples of evergreen niches are:
• Weight Loss
• Health and Fitness
• Making Money Online (things change rapidly in this niche but the demand is always there)
• Relationships
• Cooking and Recipes
You don’t want to spend time, effort and money on a seasonal niche or one that is a fad which will fizzle out in a few months.
You are building an asset with a niche marketing website which you can sell in the future if yo u want to.
Very few people will want a seasonal niche marketing website and nobody will want a fad website.
Another good way of generating ideas for a niche website is to monitor closely what happens during your day.
You need to record significant events as your day progresses either in a small notebook or by using your phone. Think about the following:
• Any problems that you encounter
• Things around you that attract your attention
• The kinds of conversations you have with other people
• What was on TV that appealed to you
• The products and services you use
• Things that make you happy
• Things that make you angry or sad
• Activities you participate in
After you have finished recording your activities examine everything you recorded and ask yourself these questions:
• Are other people interested in the same things?
• Are people spending money to do these things?
• What kind of problems do you and others face?
• What things really made you happy / excited?
• What things made you angry / sad / frustrated?
You can generate more niche market ideas by visiting websites where they are already working.
One thing that you need to bear in mind when generating niche ideas is that there are no new niches.
If you were actually to discover one then it wouldn’t be proven and you would be taking a big risk.
A lot of online marketers look for that “unique” niche that has little or no competition that they can easily dominate. But competition is a good thing as it shows that the niche is worth pursuing from a financial standpoint.
So get yourself over to these websites to see what niches and sub niches already exist:
Amazon.com –– Amazon is the biggest online retailer in the world. You can check out their top level categories and also sub categories to provide you with niche ideas. There are best seller ideas that you can take a look at too.
Clickbank.com –– Clickbank is the world’s largest retailer of digital products and they have several main categories and a number of sub categories that you can look at for more niche ideas.
Magazines.com –– you might find it hard to believe that in this digital age there are still many people who subscribe to magazine publications each month but it is true. There are some great niche ideas awaiting you at magazines.com.
Google Trends –– you can see what is trending in Google and use keywords to see the popularity of different things over a recent period of time. You can also get good trend information from social networks as well.
Flippa.com –– this is a great website for niche ideas. Flippa is the largest marketplace for buying and selling websites so you can see what is on offer as well as check out what has been sold recently.
By this stage you should have a pretty large list of niche ideas which is great. Don’t worry if you have you have no interest in some of these niches. It is always possible to become interested in another niche especially if it is going to make you money!
Now on to Step 2 which is about testing your niche ideas…
Step 2 – Testing Your Niche Ideas
All of the steps in this success blue print are important but this is the most important of them all. You have to verify the viability of your niche ideas.
There are two crucial elements to this verification process which are:
Demand and Commercial Intent
There needs to be sufficient demand for a niche to make it viable. If the niche is very small then you will fail. Without enough demand you will not make much money whatever you do.
Fortunately there is a very easy (and free) way to check the demand for a niche. Commercial intent is all about whether people are spending money in the niche or not.
There are some very sizeable niches out there where the commercial intent is very low so you need to avoid these. We will show you a few ways that you can check for commercial intent in this section.
To check for demand you need to use the Google Keyword Planner. This is a free tool which will tell you the estimated number of searches for search terms (keywords) on Google.
Google is the number one search engine so you don’t need to worry about the others. You will need a free Google Adwords account to use the Google Keyword Planner.
Once you are in the Planner all you need to do is enter a seed keyword which best describes the niche idea. An example of this could be “online dating tips”.
The great thing about the Google Keyword Planner is that it will not only show you the estimated searches for your seed keyword but it will also provide some other related keyword suggestions with the estimated search volumes for these as well.
How many searches make a niche viable? Well we recommend that there are at least 10,000 searches every month for your seed keyword. Eliminate any niche ideas that do not meet this criterion.
Just run all your niche ideas through this niche size checking process.
The next step is to check for commercial intent. You need to know whether people are spending money in the niches that you have left on your list.
The ideal niche is one where you can promote both physical and digital products. If there is a bias towards one or the other it isn’t a problem.
You can use a number of different websites to look for commercial intent with your niche ideas:
Amazon.com – again we will use Amazon to see if money is being spent in niches. Just go to the home page and type in your seed keyword for every niche idea.
Amazon is essentially a physical products store but they do sell electronic books for Kindle users so don’t worry if you think that a niche idea is more suited to digital products.
What you are looking for here is the number of products available and the number of reviews for the best selling products. It is generally accepted that a single review on Amazon means that at least 10 people purchased the product and as many as 1,000.
Only a small number of people will leave a review so if there are hundreds or even thousands of reviews then this is a good sign of commercial intent. You want the best selling products (including books) to have at least 100 reviews.
Clickbank,com –– go to the Affiliate Marketplace and search using your seed keyword. Check to see how many products exist and their gravity. The gravity score is a good indicator of recent sales. Look for products that have a gravity of around 20 upwards.
Google Ads –– this is very easy to do. Just go to Google.com and enter your seed keyword. Look for Google Ads in the search results. If there are a number of ads then this is a good sign of commercial intent. Google Ads are expensive and advertisers wouldn’t use them if there was no spending in the niche.
You can also use the Google Keyword Planner to check this. The “Competition” column will tell you what the competition is for ads with a keyword. If this is “high” or “medium” then advertisers are showing ads for these keywords.
There are other ways that you can check for commercial intent. Other affiliate websites such as Commission Junction and Share A Sale have statistics available for best selling products etc. You can also check for groups on social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn. If there is an established group with lots of members there is usually commercial intent.
OK so when you have tested your niche ideas you will be left with a few that have the potential for success. Take a look at all of the ideas and decide how you feel about them.
Do you have any interest already in any of the niches? If not could you become really interested in any of them?
Once you have made your final decision it is time to setup your niche website…
Step 3 – Setup Your Niche Website Correctly
Before you do anything else you need to conduct some detailed keyword research that will form the backbone of your niche website.
The most successful niche websites have a lot of web pages ranking on the first page of Google and the other search engines.
SEO (search engine optimization) is best achieved by identifying the best keywords for your niche.
You can find hundreds of keywords for your niche by using the Google Keyword Planner. This tool will provide you a number of related keywords and you can use these to search for even more keywords.
There are other keyword research tools that you can use if you want to. When you identify key words for your niche you need to know how competitive they are.
How long will it take to rank a web page on the first page of the search engines? You need to know the keyword difficulty.
An experienced SEO analyst could do this manually but it would take a long time. You can use Traffic Travis which is great SEO software. There is a free version and the Pro version is around $97.
The other alternative is to subscribe to ahrefs.com as they can provide you with accurate keyword difficulty information.
Once you have completed your comprehensive keyword research you will need to purchase a suitable domain name and some web hosting. Go for a .com domain name if you can find a good one.
Include a word or words in your domain name that relate to your niche. Buy your domain name from godaddy.com or namecheap.com.
We don’t recommend that you go for a free domain name with a new web hosting account. If you want to sell your niche website there can be all kinds of issues extracting the domain name from the web host.
Choose a good web host that offers a “one click WordPress installation” feature. Hostgator.com and Bluehost.com usually have good packages and are used by a lot of online marketers.
Once you have connected your domain name to your hosting it is time to install the WordPress blogging platform on your domain name. Access your cPanel and look for the icon to install WordPress.
Enter the required details and click the install button. We recommend WordPress because it is so easy to install and use. There are also many themes and plugins available that will enhance your niche website that you can easily add.
You want your website to be as user friendly as possible and also be fully optimized for SEO. The final part of setting up your niche website is to have some good graphics created for your logo and website header.
If you are not a graphic designer then don’t worry as there are some really good people available on Fiverr.com who will do this for a few dollars.
The next step is your content plan…
Step 4 – Content for Your Niche Website
You need high quality content for your niche website. Don’t make the mistake of adding low quality content to it because you want quantity.
A single piece of low quality content can damage your reputation and it will be very hard to recover from this. The best thing to do here is to create a content plan.
You need to publish new content regularly but it is always about quality over quantity. Use your keyword research from the last step to determine what content you will publish.
If you want to write the content yourself then you will need to set time aside to do this. Choose your best keyword and then use this in the title of your content.
Add related keywords in the body of your content as well. If you don’t have the time or the inclination to write your own content then you can outsource this to a high quality professional writer.
Don’t go for cheap writing services. Choose a native English speaker with a good reputation and pay their prices. You definitely get what you pay for with writing services.
Tell your writer the title of your content and the keywords you want them to include in the post. Also let them know what call to action you want at the end of the content.
Do you want the reader to sign up for your email list or check out a related offer? Make your content work for you. If you are struggling for content ideas then you can use PLR (private label rights) material.
Never just copy and paste PLR content on your niche website. Everything needs to be unique so rewrite everything (you can outsource this) and check it using copyscape.com.
You can setup Google Alerts around your niche for new content ideas. Always add an image or a video to your content. It is good to break up text to make it more interesting.
Once you have content on your niche website you will need targeted visitors…
Step 5 – Generating Targeted Traffic
Another reason why niche websites fail is because they don’t have enough targeted traffic. Without good levels of traffic your niche website will fail so you need to do everything that you can to generate traffic.
Here are some proven ways that you can drive traffic to your niche website:
Your long term aim has to be ranking your web pages in the search engines so SEO is something that we strongly recommend you do.
Optimize your website and all of your posts and pages for SEO.
You should pick up some good backlinks from other websites naturally but you can add some high quality backlinks to give yourself even more chances of ranking your web pages high in the search engines.
It is possible to outsource this task as well. Use social media platforms to distribute your content. You need to build as large a following as you can on your chosen platforms.
Use “boost” ads on Facebook etc to promote your content to a wider audience.
Create relevant videos and upload them to YouTube and other video sharing platforms. You can rank YouTube videos on the first page of Google for certain keywords.
So make sure that you optimize them well by paying attention to the title, description and tags. Paid traffic is good for testing and it is a very quick way to generate targeted traffic.
You have options here such as pay per click (PPC) platforms like Google Adwords and Bing Ads. You can also purchase ads on social media such as Facebook Ads.
You can also drive traffic from related forums, press releases and email marketing. You need to build an email list…
Step 6 – Build an Email List
You must build an email list for your niche website. When you have a list of subscribers you can send them emails at any time promoting offers as another way that you can make money.
If you are selling products on your niche website then it will take a number of contacts for your visitors to make a purchase. Email marketing gives you this opportunity.
You can remind your subscribers several times that you have a great product for them. The value of your niche website will rise considerably with an associated email list.
Step 7 – Test and Test Again
The final step in this success blueprint is to test everything. Most online marketers never test and just complain that their website isn’t working.
Sometimes the simplest tweaks to an offer page for example can make the difference between low conversions and high conversions.
Measure everything that you can. Install Google Analytics on your niche website and learn how to set it up and use it properly.
If you purchase ads from social media platforms then check how well they are performing and make changes if necessary.
Are your visitors reading all of your content? Do they stay on your site for a while and consume other posts? Is your website loading fast?
Never be complacent with your niche marketing website. Test everything that you can and try split testing various posts and pages.
Check Out the Full Blown Niche Marketing Program: