October 28, 2022·16 min read

Facing objections in sales comes with the territory, but it doesn’t make them any less painful. Learn how to overcome the most common sales objections the right way.

You’ve done your research, bravely picked up the phone to make the first sales call of the day, and on the other end of the line, you’re met with crushing sales objections that stop you dead in your tracks.

Like a sweet little deer caught in headlights, you freeze and perhaps fumble to make your next move—or maybe you’ve just been hung up on, and it’s a moot point.

Facing and overcoming sales objections is part of the gig, but that doesn’t make it any less complicated (or sometimes excruciating) as a rep to face day-to-day.

That’s why we’re here to make things a little easier for you. With the help of our expert Sales Feed team, we’ve rounded up 33 of the most common sales objections and how you can respond to them the right way.

  1. Contents
  2. 1. What Is a Sales Objection?
  3. 2. How to Overcome Common Sales Objections
  4. 2.1 Just “No”
  5. 2.2 “Take Me Off Your List”
  6. 2.3 The Hang Up
  7. 2.4 “I’m Busy”
  8. 2.5 Two Words “Not Interested!”
  9. 2.6 “Where Did You Get My Number?”
  10. 2.7 “Is This a Sales Call?”
  11. 2.8 “Send Me an Email”
  12. 2.9 “Let Me Think about It”
  13. 2.10 They’ve Never Heard of You
  14. 2.11 “You Don’t Understand Our Business”
  15. 2.12 Call Back Next…
  16. 2.13 Don’t Call Me. I’ll Call You
  17. 2.14 “I’m Heading Out on Vacation”
  18. 2.15 “Can We Reschedule?”
  19. 2.16 Straight to Voicemail
  20. 3. Overcoming Budget-Related Sales Objections
  21. 3.1 Too Expensive
  22. 3.2 “Just Give Me the Price”
  23. 3.3 No Budget
  24. 3.4 “I Can Get It Cheaper Somewhere Else”
  25. 3.5 There’s No ROI
  26. 4. Handling Resourcing-Related Sales Objections
  27. 4.1 “We Don’t Have the Capacity to Implement”
  28. 4.2 Not a priority
  29. 4.3 “We Have Something in Place”
  30. 5. Overcoming Product-Related Sales Objections
  31. 5.1 Bad Mouthing from Competitors
  32. 5.2 “What Makes You Different?”
  33. 5.3 “Do You Have This Feature?”
  34. 5.4 Bad Online Reviews
  35. 5.5 You Don’t Have__
  36. 6. “Not the Right Person” Sales Objections
  37. 6.1 “I’m Not the Decision Maker”
  38. 6.2 It’s a Team Decision
  39. 6.3 “I Need to Talk to My Boss”
  40. 6.4 “I’m Not the Right Person”
  41. 7. How to Handle Any Sales Objection
  42. 7.1 “What Makes You Say That?”
  43. 7.2 Silence Is Golden
  44. 7.3 Prevent Sales Objections Before They Come Up

What Is a Sales Objection?

For those new to the game, a sales objection is a blocker you face from the prospect or person on the other end of the line, email, InMail, etc.

Some sales objections are totally valid, while others are just plain harsh. A buyer can use an objection as a negotiation tactic, or maybe they’re just trying to tell you they aren’t interested in what you have to offer.

Regardless of the type or circumstance, read on to find the best way to handle any sales objection so you can feel confident about your next call or prospect interaction.

The Right and Wrong Way to Handle Sales Objections

Rather watch than read? The Sales Feed team shares rapid-fire responses (both right and wrong) to these top sales objections.

How to Overcome Common Sales Objections

Let’s start with these general or common sales objections you likely face when a prospect tries to blow you off.

1. Just “No”

A straight-up ‘no’ or ‘we’ve decided no’ is a common but tough one. What is the best way to handle this objection?

“I appreciate you telling me. How did you decide that?”

If it’s something that you can influence and change, shoot your shot. If not, it’s time to let it go, as no amount of persuading will likely make them change their mind. You could thank them for their time and figure out what you can do better for the next potential customer.

2. “Take Me Off Your List”

Sales and marketers both hate this one—the dreaded unsubscribe. Usually delivered sternly or in all caps by the recipient. It seems simple enough, but a straight-up “Sure, you’ll never hear from me again.” will suffice.

Objections like these are good reminders to stop wasting time on people who really have no intention of buying from you.

3. The Hang Up

Click—that’s the sound of your dreams being crushed. Try this trick next time it happens. Quickly call back and try, “Hey, it seems like we got disconnected.” Not a guarantee, but it might be worth a go.

4. “I’m Busy”

Deliver this response in a light-hearted manner—an ”I’m with you, [name], and if you’re like any of my other customers in [industry], you’re probably always busy. Would it be fair to ask for 20 seconds to explain what this is about? If we find it irrelevant, then I can make sure I don’t disturb you again?”

Knee-jerk objections like “I’m busy” or “I’m in a meeting” are often a symptom of what you set up front isn’t different enough and sounded like every other call they’ve heard. Try these cold call openers and see if they can help in these situations.

5. Two Words “Not Interested!”

With these brush-off objections, sometimes it’s easiest to validate and adjust your opener as needed for the next one.

“When you say you’re not interested, is that because you believe that things can’t be done any better than you do them currently, OR is it because you get like 1,000 cold calls a day and you just want to get rid of me?”

6. “Where Did You Get My Number?”

Honesty can sometimes be the best answer, and that candor might even keep them on the line. Try something like the objection response below if you get asked how you tracked down their number.

“I spotted your profile on LinkedIn, and I noticed that you might be facing a few of the challenges that we help our customers address, so I used our data provider [i.e., ZoomInfo] to get your details and tried giving you a call. I’d be happy to reach out to them on your behalf and get them to take down your number. However, while I’ve got you, would you be curious enough to know why I went through all of the efforts just to try and have a conversation with you.”

7. “Is This a Sales Call?”

Again, straightforward honesty (plus a little confidence) can work.

To handle this objection, try a simple “Yes, it is. Do you have a minute?”

8. “Send Me an Email”

This is another typical brush-off response you’ve likely faced. And if you go ahead and send that email, you’re probably wasting your time as it’s not going to get read.

Before dropping off the call, give a response like the one below.

“I can absolutely do that, but before I do, I’d hate to clog your inbox with something totally irrelevant. Would it be fair to take 30 seconds now to see if this is something that’s relevant to you? If it’s not, I can skip the email and any other follow-up as well?”

One yellow butterfly standing out among a bunch of blue butterflies. Depicting how a good sales email subject line helps you stand out.

Best Email Subject Lines For Sales One yellow butterfly standing out among a bunch of blue butterflies. Depicting how a good sales email subject line helps you stand out. Learn how to craft the best email subject lines, including writing tips and an inspiring list of 40+ examples Read the Guide